“Try Tennis” is a program created to introduce adults to the sport of tennis in a fun, social environment. Players will participate in a wide range of fun drills, games, and supervised play. The focus of the curriculum is to get participants playing as quickly as possible while not dwelling on precise technique. The instructor will keep participants engaged and motivated throughout the process. This great initiative is supported by the USTA.

Overview of Classes
All classes will be an hour and a half with two different sections. Part 1 of each class will be instruction based (approx. 45 mins). Part 2 of the class will be “supervised play” to put newly learned skills into action (approx. 45 minutes). At the conclusion of every instructors give students some type of homework or something they can work on throughout the week leading up to the next class.
Class 1: Groundstroke Introduction
Class 2: Groundstroke continuation and Serve Introduction
Class 3: Review Groundstrokes and Serve
Class 4: Full court review and Volleys
Class 5: Tying it all together and Scoring Overview
Class 6: Supervised Round Robin / Tournament (This should be FUN; not too competitive. This could include: Food, Drink, & Music.)
Class Example Week 1
Equipment Needed: Orange Low Compression Balls, all activities done from service line and in
Goal of Lesson: Assess ability level of participants and introduce the forehand and backhand
Breakdown of Class 1
Instruction (45 mins- 1 hour)
- Welcome Group and explain format of lessons
- Warm-up and skill assessment
- Explanation and Introduction of Forehand
- Interactive Forehand Drills
- Explanation and Introduction of Backhands
- Interactive Backhand Drills
- Game play to practice new skills (45 mins)
- For class 1 all play will be done from the service line and using orange balls
- Live ball games with modifications to allow players to have success.

If you know anybody that would like to join and know somebody who would be interested you can find our the start dates and various classes available by clicking here:
or simply email the Baywood Racquet Club office at: